Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Planting and Jackie's Birthday!

My wonderful Hubby and the girls bought me a few plants from the high school horticulture plant sale to add to the garden...
2 tomato plants, a pepper, cilantro and a sunflower.

I bought a bunch of plants last week but have not had the energy to weed....I mean dig out grass covered garden beds to make room for my plants.
I bought broccoli, cauliflower,cabbage and a few zucchini.

With only about 3-4 weeks until baby arrives, I have not wanted to stoop over the garden beds.
My back just hurts thinking about that!
I just got over the flu that lasted about a week and struggled to keep my blood sugar stable.


Happy 7th Birthday Jackie!

My sweet girl is 7 today!

We sang and had icecream and cookies last night. Jackie also recieved her presents a day early because Noah has a baseball game tonight so we will be home late!

For dinner tonight Jackie and the kids will have popcorn shrimp and mac and cheese per Jackies request!

Here's a funny story....

Jackie got some new Easter shoes.
I let her get these little 2 inch high heeled sandles (wedge).
I really did not want her to get know not wanting her to grow up to fast.

Well, Saturday night after Mass she was getting out of the car, with shoes in hand.
She said, mom we can give these shoes to Goodwill or to Olivia because they hurt my feet!

I said, welcome to womanhood and high heels!
We both laughed!
She now does not want to get anymore highheels!

Peace and Love,

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't garden well when I was late in pregnancy either!! Everything will work out in the end. It's nice to have family chip in while you're down and out. :-)

    Cute shoe story. I've never been a fan of high heels. Hmmm. I don't think I've ever truly "grown up"--so I have an excuse!! Ha Ha!!

    Keep taking care of yourself!! It'll all be so worth it. :-)

    Love, Kris


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