Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh Rainy Day Christmas Tree~

Our crew, minus our oldest son Jarett.

Our family likes to get our Christmas tree 2 week before Christmas!
So as tradition will have it......we got our tree on Sunday, though there was flood warnings for most of our state! As a family we trekked in the mud and rain to find the perfect tree!
I spotted one right off...it won by majority vote! {even hubby liked it}
Then he suggested, we check the trees in the back of the lot....then decide! lol sigh*
I suppose he wanted to get his moneys worth?
Did we not WANT the excitement of the hunt?

I was able to get more cute photos for everyone while walking to the VERY back of the lot!
The girls were able to see if their rubber boot could keep their feet dry.
And of couse we did find the perfect tree! :) *sigh**

Our oldest son Jarett (16) was not with us. He had a project to work on for DECA!

I hope you enjoyed my pictures....

This week the youngest kiddos and I will be doing some elfing.
 Making cookies,candy and some bath tea as Christmas gifts for teachers and family! 
{I will come back and put links to my recipes I use}

The power went out last night and just came back on at 12:30 pm today!
So this morning was dark and quiet. I decided to unload the dish washer and load it again.
I picked up the house and took out the trash in all of the bathrooms!

The youngest kiddos played with the GEO train set!
We were supposed to make candy today but think we will try to do that in the morning tomorrow!

Tonight for dinner I will make homemade chili with leftover steak and
the Duggar family's tater tot casserole a favorite at our house!

Peace and Joy,


  1. Wow!!! Sunday was definitely the wettest day ever to go get a tree!! We do our tree two weeks before hand too - although this year we got ours a few days before the storm and decorated it during the rainy day!! I made homemade granola today to hand out to neighbors and co-op mommas for gifts. We did not lose power - we haven't in years - much to my sadness - I always used to look forward to the adventure and I sometimes feel that it is good for the kids to know what it's like to not have it. I think our city has taken a very strong stand on trees that might pose a danger to the power lines. They come and trim trees on all the streets very frequently. Hope your day is wonderful!!


  2. Georgiann,
    Sounds like fun!! Oh how I miss a real tree this year!! Not quite sure what I was smelling earlier today but I walked through the house and smelled evergreen. I thought "boy that tree smells good!". And then I realized we didn't have a tree!! :-) Go figure!!


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