Friday, August 24, 2012

Sweet Kitchen Helpers

The summer is fading fast and I miss not having a BIG garden.
I decided this year our family would not have time plant a garden or go to the
Giving birth to my baby boy Ian, having my oldest son turn 18 and graduate from high school as well as host a boat load of house guest to see and attend it all was enough for me. The produce co-op is about a 35 minute drive one way (over an hour round trip).....a trip that I was not willing to do with a new baby. It feels like I just gave birth just yesterday.....I'm tired most days and still having nursing issues but I'm not complaining!! He's so worth a few years with out a garden!

I'm sorry to say that this year the ingredients for my beef stew were store bought and not organic and homegrown, my bread came from the store not from scratch but thats the way it is some years.
I really miss being in my garden, and watching my children dig, plant and pick what we'll have for dinner. But having Baby Ian in my life is so worth not having all that extra work a garden demands.

Thank you to all my blog friends that leave comments they mean the world to me.

Peace and Love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Georgiann!
    Just a flying visit to let you know I'm still reading and keeping up with all your news. Oh , yes, I believe you have made the right decision. Ian will only be little for such a short time and in future seasons you will be able to plant your garden and by than you'll have even more helpers so it will be easier to manage. As you know I've set up my own home based (most of the time) business. I would not have done this with a small baby but now my youngest is 2 and I have my older children to help it was the right season and almost 'now or never'. Had to stop procrastinating and just go for it! A big day tomorrow for me with a craft fair so need to bid blogger goodnight! Enjoy the last days of your summer. It is still winter here but feels like summer the last few days.


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