Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Through Daddy's Eyes~

We had fairly nice weather over last weekend.
We cooked out and planted much of the garden.
As I was in blogging about my Zesty Zinnia, dad was out trying to catch his warm fuzzies with my camera. If the girls could stay little forever he would dream~ sigh***
OK maybe guys don't sigh....but you know what I mean!

The girls were outside reading one of our many copies of my all time favorite childhood book!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carl

Last year was our first year of a BIG garden....and as much as I love loved last years garden design I wanted this year to be fresh and new. I can hardly wait to show you around! soon as things start to grow, I will give you all a FULL tour! I felt like an artist with my red garden gloves on and pink clogs.... Looking at my blank slate of freshly tilled soil, I let the earth speak to me! Then sculpted the dirt like clay into a garden masterpiece!  Once we I decided the placement of things little miss Jackie planted to her hearts content!

Peace and Love,

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your garden - I'm late planting mine late this year too - it's been so wet and cold - I'm afraid the seeds will rot before they sprout - this weekend hopefully!!! I left a comment on your birthday girl post and for some reason it didn't show up. I'm so glad you revisited my blog!! It nice to see you after I'd been gone from the computer so long. I loved your pictures of Pioneer Farms - such a fun place to visit!!


    P.S. We are BIG fans of the Very Hungry Caterpillar too - I LOVE reading it to the kids - we have a very fun tradition when we read it together that makes us all laugh!!


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