Monday, March 1, 2010

Balance....One Step At A Time~

As a Christian wife and mother I am always trying to improve myself and find balance.
I challenge myself to try new things. Over the past few years I have started baking bread almost daily.
I try to eat vegitarian a few meals a week...even started raising chickens for eggs.
I got my kiddos invloved in  growing a large organic garden!

In February, I started going blanket time with my youngest 3 kiddos...I have not posted about it yet....

I have joined  the blog "which name?" and other blogs in a monthy challenge to find balance in our lives.
Each person posts at the begining of the month what their personal challenge will be.
Everyone will be working to simplify and find balance in their own way!
Every person will post something different....join us if you will?
Read what others are doing....get inspired~
Make this a year of baby step at a time!
I will report how my month goes as I go along!

For me the willy-nilly spending party is over!

For the Month of March
I challenge myself~

 I want to see how long I can go with out spending money at the grocery store.
I want to live out of the pantry and only cook what I already have!
I want to keep track of my food budget better than I have in the past!

I will keep you all updated~

Peace and Love,

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